
the best summer ever; because of you.

My first summer with you, was also the best.
For I learnt how to love, and how love feels like.
I had my first kiss, my first touch, my first hugs.
I learnt that to love someone, you learn to let them go.
I learnt that to love someone, you learn to let yourself go too; for them.

whispers of summer her story friends birdsongs memories sunrays

sometimes what i want to say isn't apparent through what you just see(:
Thursday, December 17, 2009


说好了生气只气一天,隔天早上恢复正常; 这次谁先毁约,你自己清楚。

可是无所谓 - 总之是我自找的。有很多很多的事情,我是不能怪罪你,最终只有以泪水哄自己去睡。是谁的错我已经学会不管了,追究有什么用?反正任何事情令你不开心,我也认定是我的错了。


回家路上和 D 一起走,边聊天边吐出了心事。她一直告诉我,根本就不了解我到底欣赏你哪一点;她说她认为倒过来是你应该觉得幸福、是你该哄我开心,不是没几天就吵个天翻地覆。可是又想起你平常做的小举动,那些使我开心、让我知道还有人关心我爱我的举动,你知道我多想念吗。




曾有一天,你爱上了一个人。她每当口气显得严重了点你就担心让她生气了,甚至她稍微不开心你都不舍得。你日思夜想就只想得到她这颗心,终于得到了。现在每三两天就生她的气,她几乎每次晚上甚至凌晨才好不容易哭睡着。有一次她说是因为让你不开心而生自己的气、因为伤了你的心痛恨自己哭成一场,你回了一句话: “你太爱哭了。”




希望的也只有同样的一件事 - 你开心就好。
9:15 pm
Thursday, December 03, 2009
days of sunshine and nights of thunder;

this will be a hodgepodge of everything life has been.

1. rocks.

i still remember i read somewhere that those huge huge rocks in random deserts are amazingly brittle, despite their size. because the midday sun bakes them and they expand, but the icy desert nights cool them and they contract. and the frequent expansion/contraction cycle means they're terribly stressed internally, and any strong wind will just make them crumble.

and all life has been doing, is nothing but slowly wearing me down. i'm tired of the ups and downs. they're too frequent and sudden for me to take - within one day i get extremes of happiness and depression.

will i go mad, someday? God forbid, but if that is meant to be, i won't oppose it. i don't have the strength to. i don't even have the strength to pick myself up every time you make me fall - i wait for you to put me back together.

2. dolphins.

again, something i read somewhere - dolphins have a permanent smile; it's genetically etched on their faces. so no one can tell what they're really feeling inside, no one except themselves. it could be a depressed or even suicidal dolphin for all you know, and it'd still be smiling at you.

if you see a smile, or hear a happy note, remember: it could all just be another facade, another permanent, fake smile.

3. bleeding love.

i don't need to elaborate. don't ask me to. [ref: the full lyrics, and previous posts.]

4. a fairly scratched dragon, and a kitten cooked to a crisp.

it's honestly stupid to fight wars that hurt everyone and don't do any good.

idk why they still are fought, really.

5. mirages.

things you think are for real, but actually don't exist.

correction: things you think are for real which actually don't exist, and yet exist in that figment of imagination your brain cooked up; a fantasy you wish to believe.

6. broken things, shards of glass. stained glass.

just lying on the floor in pieces. the little things that no one notices, but are the proof of things, probably beautiful things at that, broken and gone, perhaps never to be rescued again?

or maybe they were just never appreciated in the first place.

7. ice, and snowdrops.

i've always liked finding shapes in things. first clouds, then the waves in the sea, and now ice blocks.

so the next time you see a little drop of ice or snow, it might have just been a frozen tear. don't bother asking where it came from, though; it's lost. you're not likely to trace it back to where it came from.

8. sunshine, and rainbows.

beautiful moments, and times you'd want to spend with the people you love.

pity they are but fleeting moments, grasping at time flowed away.

in summary:
seven days and seven nights of thunder? maybe more. with the crippling wind railing away.

bland, mildly interestingly flavoured bread interspersed with rich creamy sweet strawberry sauce, drowned ruthlessly in the bitterest dark coffee.

with blocks of liquid nitrogen thrown furiously at it, to add fractures to injuries.

very nosy things, too.

there was a time where i'd have considered ending everything in a matter of seconds.

but now i can't.

too bad that i'm past my threshold, then. maybe it's breaking point, maybe it's not. does anyone care?

[no. does anyone -still- care?]
10:50 pm
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